Monday, March 24, 2008

More Poems I Like

I've decided to write my paper on some type of love. Either the different feelings you go through during love (being overly lovey "the honeymoon phase", the comfortable feeling, and maybe the eventual falling out of love stage). My other thought is to write on the different types of love. Controlling love, jelous love, the love a parent has for a child, the love you have for you significant other, the love you share with your close friends.

Since I'm focusing on love, all of my poems are love poems. I feel like once you've read a love poem you basically get the idea. Plus so times it gets old reading how other people feel when they are in love. It's like listening to you boy crazy 14 year old sister who just got her first boyfriend.

Three of the poems that I found that I feel are good are :
Untitled by Courtney Kuchta
What I Love About You by Crystal Jansen
Love is ... By Meghan (last name not inculded)

I know that this poems are not written by famous writters and great historical figures and thats part of the reason why I like them. They are just every day normal people expressing there feelings. Please they are easier to understand because that don't hold all that deep hidden meanings and metaphors.


Katie said...

I completely agree with you! I honestly think that some of the best poetry can be written but not only famous people; but even some of our fellow classmates!
I feel as if it's more real life and more that we can relate to since we're all young students living in this world together!

Jessica Rozek said...

i like how you're writing on all different kinds of love, and the different aspects of it as well!