Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Word Plum By Helen Chasin

When I think of plums, I think of a juicy fruit thats usually enjoyed in the summer. I can remember biting into a plum in the summer and the juice getting all over my hands and arms. Dripping all over my pants and just creatig a complete mess. Unlike Helen Chasin's memory of a plum, my is innocent, a small childhood memory.

Helen Chasin's memory of a plus is sexual and full of passion. It's as if the plum stands for something eles. Like a forbidden lover. This would make sense because this poem was written in the 60's. I wonder if this poem had been written in the 20's or even the 1800's, if I wouldn't think it was so sexually charged. But then again, if it was written during those time periods, people would most likely not write so sexually about things.

Monday, March 24, 2008

More Poems I Like

I've decided to write my paper on some type of love. Either the different feelings you go through during love (being overly lovey "the honeymoon phase", the comfortable feeling, and maybe the eventual falling out of love stage). My other thought is to write on the different types of love. Controlling love, jelous love, the love a parent has for a child, the love you have for you significant other, the love you share with your close friends.

Since I'm focusing on love, all of my poems are love poems. I feel like once you've read a love poem you basically get the idea. Plus so times it gets old reading how other people feel when they are in love. It's like listening to you boy crazy 14 year old sister who just got her first boyfriend.

Three of the poems that I found that I feel are good are :
Untitled by Courtney Kuchta
What I Love About You by Crystal Jansen
Love is ... By Meghan (last name not inculded)

I know that this poems are not written by famous writters and great historical figures and thats part of the reason why I like them. They are just every day normal people expressing there feelings. Please they are easier to understand because that don't hold all that deep hidden meanings and metaphors.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In class haiku

topic - mom

Comfty orange sweater
Smells of Chanel perfume
Always there to comfort

Warm and inviting like fresh baked cookies
Scents of home and happiness
Ready with a hug when you need it

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Poems

I'm not really a big fan of poems so it was slightly hard for me to find some I like, just because I really can't relate to the way these writers seem to put there feelings on paper. Two poems that I did like are When a Woman Loves a Man and Couple Sharing a Peach. When a Woman Loves a Man by: David Lehman is a little longer than I would have liked and some parts seemed kinda random and pointless but I liked all the cutesy things in this poem like:

"And when she says, “I’ll never speak to you again,”
she means, “Put your arms around me from behind
as I stand disconsolate at the window.”

To me, it seems like the author wrote this poem late one night while watching his lover sleep or while missing her. It shows some of the rough times when they have fought and broken up but that doesn't even seem to be that big major of a thing. It's more about the little things.

The second poem Couple Sharing a Peach by Molly Peacock was also about relationships although you might not really know that unless you found it under the relationship section like I did. I do like the part:

Two happinesses unfold
from one joy

In the end when the author writes:

In a hotel room
Our moment lies
With it’s ode inside,
a red tinge,
with a hinge.

This makes me think that the love they have just experiences is forbidden in one way or another. Either they are young and shouldn't be doing the things they are doing or they both are with other people.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Linda Pastan- Marks

This poem is really interesting to me. It seems like alot of the poems we have been reading have to do with parents. This one is intersting to me because it made me think that our moms are people too. They have feelings and lives of there own. Although they do like to spend there time making sure there kids are safe and happy, they are not always perfect and can't do everything at all times. Like this poem hints at, they are not here to grade or fail, they do there best and thats great. Because someone people have mothers who aren't alive or don't care about putting food on the table or how great there ironing is. So just having a mother around who loves you and cares should be all they need for a passing grade.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Marge Piercy- Barbie Doll

Struck with confusion,
Confused why a child would.
Yet understanding,
Understanding why,
Why a child would feel this way.
The way the pressures pile up,
Pile up until it crushes you,
Crushing you believe your nothing,
Nothing if your not perfect.

I've never really tried to write a poem before because I'm really not that creative but here was my attempt. I guess it's a little easier to do it if you have something to kinda look at for inspiration.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Aphra Behn- On Her Loving Two Equally

This poem kinda seemed like a mother talking about her two children. In the part when she says "When my Alexis present is, Then I for Damon sigh and mourn" I feel like she's saying that when just one of her children is around she just things about the other. Maybe thats not how all parents are but thats how it seems with my mom. When ever I'm home she seems to talk about my brother all the time and always be thinking of him. I've come to the conclusion that it's not because she loves him better but because when I'm with her she knows I'm safe and happy and he's not around so she wonders. I believe that this lady feels the same way because in the end she says "But which, O Cupid, wilt thou take? If Damon's, all my hopes are crossed; Or that of my Alexis, I am lost."