Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How To Pick The Wrong Guys

Find a guy with that mysterious charm. He may be interested but distant. Assume that's just because he doesn't want to get to serious to fast. Find that cute because you think he feels that way because he might have been hurt before and wouldn't want to hurt someone back

Giggle and find it charming when he calls us cute names like "Baby" or "Pumpkin". Don't listen to the little voice in the back of your head that says he might call you these things because he has so many girls in his life that he doesn't want to call you by the wrong name.

When he doesn't answer your calls for a week-end straight or doesn't come around for a while, just assume that it's because he's really busy in his life or work, not that he's cheating on you or with another girl.

When your friends say that they don't like him because he seems sneaky and like a liar, know that they are just jealous not that they really can see what you don't.

Finally, if you've been dating him for 5 months and you still haven't met his family or friends, believe him when he says that it's because he doesn't want to share you with other people. It couldn't be that he's just using you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. That sounds sad but I think a lot of girls including myself have been hurt like this. I totally relate!